The weekend of 27 and 28 August 2016 saw the conclusion of the Cape Winelands Drama Festival hosted by the Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport (DCAS) in collaboration with the Stellenbosch Municipality at the Breughel Theatre in Cloetesville. Thanks in part to partnerships with Stellenbosch, the Cape Winelands District Municipality, the Baxter Theatre and the Zabalaza Festival, the presentations involved finalists from Mbewkeni, Khayamandi and Stellenbosch.
On the Saturday, four drama groups including poets partook in the second leg of adjudication at the festival, and at the end of proceedings two groups – “Beyond Actors” from Mbekweni and “Butterflies” from Stellenbosch – were chosen to take part in the grand finale come November.
Local ward councillor Elsabe Vermeulen attended the festival and encouraged the young performers not to stop dreaming and aspiring to reach the top. She went on to further motivate the youth, praising them for not giving in to social ills and for using their time constructively.
DCAS Cultural Officer Moeniel Jacobs thanked all the partners involved for constantly providing support to the youth of Stellenbosch and the Cape Winelands. “I am beyond words to see how the youth has developed in such a short space of time. This falls in line with developing not only the rural emerging talents but the discipline in these communities as well,” said Moeniel.
With the conclusion of the Cape Winelands showcases, the selected groups will now get further training in production development at the Tri-District Development Workshop from 30 September to 2 October 2016 at the Schoemanspoort Cultural Facility in Oudtshoorn. Here they will join other selected groups from Eden and Overberg to receive valuable skills in preparation for their finale.
DCAS and its partners aim to further develop the arts through festivals such as these and to expose the young talent of the Western Cape to different opportunities, BETTER TOGETHER.
Tania Colyn
Head of Communication Service
Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport
Tel: 021 483 9877
E-mail: Tania.Colyn@westerncape.gov.za