Finance Minister, Dr Ivan Meyer recently hosted a breakfast to honour the Provincial Treasury Bursary holders as well as the children of staff members who successfully completed their Senior Certificate in 2017.
This event is aimed at giving recognition to the Matriculants for their dedication, hard work and perseverance to completing their high school career. Meyer also highlighted the important role that parents play in their children reaching this milestone.
For the Auditor-General of South Africa audit outcomes for the 2016/17 financial year, the Western Cape achieved a combined 80% clean audit outcome. “The Western Cape Government is focused on service delivery and creating public value. Through good financial governance we ensure that the Province is fit for purpose and able to give effect to its strategic goals” said Meyer.
Making reference to the Western Cape Governments’ values of caring, competence, accountability, integrity, innovation and responsiveness, Dr Meyer shared some insight on the road lying ahead for these young people and life lessons to guide them toward their future.
Minister Meyer urged the youth to become cultural ambassadors and that by doing this, they would be able to shape the world.
According to the Head of the Provincial Treasury, Zakariya Hoosain, “it is imperative that we invest in the development of our future leaders”, therefore the Provincial Treasury will continue to focus on youth development through its internship programmes such as the Chartered Accountant academy, and it bursary programmes:
Daniel Johnson
Media Liaison Officer/Spokesperson to Dr Ivan Meyer Minister of Finance
Cell: 079 990 4231
E-mail: daniel.johnson@westerncape.gov.za