The Chapman’s Peak Drive and Toll Plaza have been closed until further notice. Travelling through the drive has become dangerous due to bad weather conditions.
Due to the high volatility of the area with potential rock falls, Entilini, the concessionaire managing the drive on behalf of the Western Cape Government, has no option but to maintain a very cautious approach.
In terms of its incident management procedure, Entilini has reduced its weather thresholds dramatically , e.g. If winds speeds reach 27 km per hour the road will be closed and monitored for three hours until a clearing threshold of 12.5 km per hour is reached before it can be opened.
A very steady / heavy rainfall day will result in a pre-emptive closure.
Entilini will be monitoring the situation until winds subside. The drive would be re-opened once deemed safe for motorists.
Byron la Hoe
Communication Officer
Department of Transport and Public Works
Tel: 021 483 9813
E-mail: Byron.laHoe@westerncape.gov.za
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