Children are among the most vulnerable road users, with road safety being a major social concern for them.
This can be prevented by educating children and enforcing safety measures to prevent them from harm. This will be covered at the 11th Global Road Safety Partnership and Safely Home Road Safety Workshop, with discussions on various ways on how we can save the lives of the children on the roads of South Africa.
More than 17 000 South Africans are killed on our roads each year, including nearly 3 000 children.
Another 68 000 people are seriously injured. These deaths and injuries are preventable, and are costing the country more than 8% of GDP per annum.
Learn more about you and the communities you represent and interact with can also play a role in saving lives and preventing serious injuries.
Media are invited and welcome to attend.
Workshop Details
Venue: Childsafe Woolworths Building, Red Cross Children’s Hospital, Klipfontein Road, Rondebosch
Date: Thursday, 1 October 2015
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Raushana Arnold