Western Cape Government Health will officially integrate healthcare services of seven City of Cape Town healthcare clinics in Cape Town’s Northern and Tygerberg sub-districts, from Friday 1 July 2022.
The joint decision to integrate and take over the services from the Bellville South, Goodwood, Parow, Ravensmead, Durbanville, Scottsdene and Fisantekraal City clinics was made by Western Cape Government Health and the City of Cape Town.
By integrating services at these clinics, we will be able to provide a more holistic and integrated healthcare package in line with the Provincial Department’s Healthcare 2030 plan to streamline the patient journey, create a person-centered approach, and to improve the quality of healthcare.
“The City Health and Provincial Government have offered health services to residents of Cape Town for many years. Some primary health care facilities are operated solely by the City and some are operated solely by the Provincial Government, while nine of these facilities are operated by staff from both authorities under the same roof,” says Dr Giovanni Perez, Chief Director for Western Cape Government Metro Health Services.
“As services have evolved and become more integrated, it has been difficult to provide comprehensive quality services in facilities where there are two authorities operating from the same premises which have been confusing patients and staff. The decision for the health services at each health facility to be provided by a single authority is motivated by a desire to reduce duplication and complexity, and to provide a quality integrated service to the clients we serve,” says Dr Perez.
“A decision was taken by the City leadership to hand over all shared facilities to rationalise the clinic network to reduce the financial burden and thereby improve service efficiency,” says Councillor Patricia van der Ross, the Mayoral Committee member for Community Services and Health.
Dawn Marcus, deputy chairperson for the Elsies River health committee cluster, which includes Ravensmead, has welcomed the announcement. “I can say that services will not be affected and will continue at our facilities. I have met with the facility manager and will meet with community members as well. I am on the ground with my community, and they can contact me or our facility manager at Ravensmead if there are any concerns.”
Dawn says the decision to integrate the service means that residents will have access to more services at the facility. “This decision will be a big bonus to the community. I am confident that this decision will benefit our community as they will have access to more services now, including chronic care support for residents living with chronic conditions. I encourage people to get involved to ask questions if they need information about the integration.”
City services include child health immunisations, women’s health, cervical smears, family planning, basic antenatal care (BANC), treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), TB and HIV screening and testing, as well as patient management. Several facilities offered adult curative services including pharmacy services.
Once the services are integrated, communities can look forward to a comprehensive package of healthcare services from the Provincial Department of Health under one roof with a more streamlined folder management system which will include the current City Health services and access to emergency care, maternity care, mental health, TB and HIV screening, testing and treatment plan, chronic clubs, access to a social worker, COVID-19 vaccinations, child and women’s health services, integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI) and curative interventions for under five-year-old’s all under one roof. A one-stop-shop for your health needs.
X-ray services at Goodwood Community Day Centre will temporarily be referred to Elsies River Community Health Centre. This will allow the department to upgrade X-ray equipment for the facilities in line with departmental standards.
However, communities affected by the handover of services can be reassured that services will continue to be available in the same buildings, now only under management of Western Cape Government Health. City patient folders will be handed over to the Provincial Government healthcare facilities and support will be provided by City Health staff for the smooth handover of TB and HIV clients and their healthcare management, including clients receiving care for child and women’s health services.
Services will operate from Monday to Friday, 07:00 to 16:00. The facilities will be closed over weekends and on public holidays. We encourage clients accessing services at these facilities to ask for assistance if needed and to maintain their appointment schedules as provided by the City Clinics as both the City of Cape Town and Western Cape Government Health will work together to ensure a smooth transition without disrupting client’s healthcare experience.
Residents who need to reach the facility can use the new telephone numbers listed below as of 1 July 2022:
Bellville South CDC: 021 833 0270
Goodwood CDC: 021 827 9120
Parow CDC: 021 810 8130
Ravensmead CDC: 021 812 1890
Durbanville CDC: 021 829 8330
Scottsdene CDC: 021 810 8100
Fisantekraal CDC: 021 986 0402