On Monday, 31 May, the World Health Organisation and global partners celebrated World No-Tobacco Day by raising awareness on the harmful and deadly effects of tobacco use and to discourage the use of tobacco in any form. The theme for this year’s World No-tobacco day is: “Commit to Quit”.
Most smokers are aware of the dangers of tobacco use but many find it difficult to quit the habit. For Mark Engelbrecht, Clinical Nurse Practitioner and Operational Manager at Kleinmond Clinic, quitting the habit was essential after suffering a massive heart attack at the age of 41. “I started smoking at 21 and after 20 years of smoking and a massive heart attack, I had to make the decision to stop.” Mark says quitting came easy after his near-death experience and he has not regretted the decision he made.
While Mark’s experience made quitting easy, we know quitting this habit does not always come easy. The main thing is not to do this on your own. Establish a support system of those who have the same goal as you do. Surround yourself by others who also want to quit. This buddy system will encourage you during the difficult times. Share with your family and friends your commitment to quit. They will support you in achieving your new smoke free life.
Some people just decide to stop one day. Others prefer to do it gradually. Here are some tips to help you change your smoking patterns.
On the quit day
According to Mark since he stopped smoking, he has been focusing on health habits such as improving his fitness levels and eating healthier foods. “I can feel the difference, I have more energy and my general health has improved substantially. I feel good about myself and more confident.” While quitting has many health benefits such as the return of normal taste and smell, a stabilized blood pressure, more energy and regular oxygen level, it will also save you lots of money.
As a health professional and an ex-smoker Mark encourages every smoker to stop smoking while they can. “Smoking causes serious harm to your body and to your health, protect yourself before it is too late.”
Roché Butler
Communications Officer
Western Cape Government: Health
Tel: +27 28 214 5833
Cell: +27 68 074 2455
E-mail: Roche.Butler@westerncape.gov.za
Website: www.westerncape.gov.za