On 30 January 2023, the Department of Community Safety hosted yet another successful Rural Safety Summit and Policing Needs and Priorities (RSSaPNP) engagement in the Central Karoo District.
The Western Cape Government (WCG) views the safety and security of all communities across the Western Cape as a priority. To build on this strategic goal, the Department of Community Safety is, together with local safety stakeholders, working towards improving the wellness and safety of communities in district and local municipalities.
The Rural Safety Summit addressed:
The Policing Needs and Priorities engagement will contribute to the determination of policing needs and priorities at a local level to help improve safety in the Central Karoo. A provincial report will be submitted to the National Minister of Police to take into account when resource allocation is done to the province as well as inform SAPS strategic and operational plans for the district. It will also identify safety initiatives to be implemented by the Western Cape Government.
Various stakeholders – from the district municipality, the Department of Agriculture, stakeholders from all spheres of Government, Community Police Forums (CPFs), the South African Police Service (SAPS), Neighbourhood Watches (NHWs), the Western Cape Police Ombudsman, Minister for Social Development, Ms. Sharna Fernandez and the Head of Department for Community Safety, Adv. Yashina Pillay formed part of the Central Karoo Rural Safety Summit and policing needs and priorities engagement.
The Minister for Police Oversight and Community Safety, Reagen Allen, who was also in attendance stated: “I thank all the stakeholders for being part of this summit. This was the last rural safety summit and I’m encouraged to note how committed the various roleplayers are to creating safer communities. These safety summits have been vital in finding common ground in how we will be working together and combining resources for optimal impact. No sphere of government, entity or person can fight crime by themselves. We require collaboration, cooperation and a willingness if we're to overcome this evil that is plaguing our society. The onus is on all of us to ensure we live without fear and in dignity."
Ishaam Davids
Deputy Director: Communications
Head of Communications
Directorate: Strategic Services and Communication
Department of Community Safety
Western Cape Government
Office: + 27 (0)21 483 6689
Mobile: + (0) 82 941 9434
E-Mail: Ishaam.Davids@westerncape.gov.za
Website: www.westerncape.gov.za