The Department of Transport and Public Works has completed Phase 1 of a project to replace the old Pineview Primary School in Grabouw. This R45 million project was commissioned for the Western Cape Education Department to respond to steady population growth and an increase in the demand for education facilities. The project began in July 2014 and Phase 2 is scheduled for completion in October 2016.
With the completion of Phase 1 in October 2015, the school’s 1 269 learners moved from the temporary classrooms they had been using into the new school. There are 29 classrooms – seven senior phase, eight intermediate and 14 foundation phase classrooms as well as a refurbished administration building.
Phase 2 – the school hall, media centre, computer classroom, and media and handwork rooms, and sport fields – is currently under way. The new building has some capacity to harvest rainwater for irrigation, which will reduce the consumption of this precious resource and lead to long-term cost savings for the school.
The project has exceeded its empowerment and employment targets, especially for local people and enterprises led by women in the Theewaterskloof municipal area. So far, a total of R11.2 million of the contract value has gone to targeted enterprises, R9 million to suppliers and manufacturers, and R5,4 million to local labour.
The Department remains committed to delivering quality infrastructure on time and within budget. This is in line with the Western Cape Government’s Provincial Strategic Goal 2 – to improve education outcomes and opportunities for youth development.
Follow the Department on Twitter under the hashtag #constructionWC.
Byron la Hoe
Communication Officer
Department of Transport and Public Works
Tel: 021 483 9813
Cell: 079 281 8570
Email: byron.lahoe@westerncape.gov.za
You can follow the Department of Transport and Public Works on Twitter: @WCGovTPW