COVID-19 cases across the Cape Winelands are still on the rise. In the last seven days, 658 new cases (133% increase) and 24 new deaths (700% increase) of COVID-19 were recorded.
The increase in positive cases in Breede Valley and Stellenbosch are widespread, while there are various clusters of people testing positive in the Witzenberg, Langeberg and Drakenstein.
Active cases 14 days ago |
New active cases over last 7 days |
Percentage increase |
Breede Valley |
133 |
268 |
102% Arrow |
Drakenstein |
95 |
219 |
131% Arrow |
Langeberg |
45 |
208 |
362% Arrow |
Stellenbosch |
128 |
246 |
92% Arrow |
Witzenberg |
94 |
212 |
126% Arrow |
Cape Winelands |
495 |
1 153 |
133% Arrow |
Our teams report that in many instances people do adhere to safety measures while at work, but that they disregard these as soon as they are off duty and moving in their neighbourhoods.
Despite engagements by Disaster Management officials with taxi associations and representatives of farming groups in the Breede Valley, many people still do not adhere to measures of sanitising hands, wear a mask, keeping a safe distance and opening windows when using transport.
Western Cape Government Heath is concerned about the risk of year end functions and office parties turning into super spreader events. If your business would like to celebrate the end of the year, do so safely:
Go virtual – host an online event.
Go smaller – the more people who are together, the greater your risk of COVID-19 spreading.
Go outdoors – fresh air is your friend, so rather see each other outside. You still need to wear your mask and must keep a safe distance from each other.
Go spacious – reconsider indoor gatherings. If you have to, open windows and use the biggest room.
If you have symptoms like as cough, sore throat or loss of your sense of taste or smell, call the hotline (080 928 4102) or do the online assessment at https://coronavirus.westerncape.gov.za/risk-assessment-covid-19.
Employers must notify the Department of Labour (David.Esau@labour.gov.za), Western Cape Government Health (https://coronavirus.westerncape.gov.za/reporting-covid-19-workplace) as well as the national Department of Health (0800 02 9999) if a staff member tests positive for COVID-19. If your employee cannot safely isolate at home, ask them to get in touch with their local healthcare team:
Breede Valley: 079 477 7311
Drakenstein: 021 877 6513 / 079 418 9067
Langeberg: 023 626 8548
Stellenbosch: 021 808 6100
Witzenberg: 023 316 9600