As part of the broader nation building and social cohesion initiative, Aurecon (Pty) Ltd, on behalf of the National Department of Arts and Culture (DAC) and in partnership with the Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport (DCAS), jointly facilitated three “community conversations” between 4 and 6 February 2015.
Representatives of various community structures were invited to participate in dialogues in Witzenberg, Bonteheuwel/Langa and Drakenstein. Participants discussed the resolutions of the National Social Cohesion Summit in 2012 as well as programmes of action that have the potential to address some of the key social cohesion issues facing face South Africa.
“The identified issues and solutions will become part of the Western Cape's input into the broader National Social Cohesion Conference in Johannesburg during 2015,” said DCAS Stakeholder Management Assistant Director, Armien White. “This conference will in turn make recommendations to government on programmes to be implemented to bring about more and improved social cohesion in all communities across SA.”
Feedback from community conversations held across South Africa will help inform government programmes and give effect to the preamble of the Constitution which reads: “We the people of South Africa, … believe that South Africa belongs to all who live in it, united in our diversity.”
Through open dialogue that informs constructive action, community stakeholders are engaging with the important resolutions taken at the 2012 National Social Cohesion Summit. This helps to build broad support across society for nation building and social cohesion so that communities can live, work and play better together.
Annerie Pruis-Le Roux
Acting Head of Communication Service
Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport
Tel: 021 483 9730
E-mail: annerie.pruis-leroux@westerncape.gov.za