The Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport (DCAS), in partnership with the Witzenberg Municipality, launched the Oral History Initiative in the picturesque area of Tankwa Karoo on 20 November 2017.
The Oral History Project (launched in 2015) aims to capture and preserve the personal histories of various communities in the Western Cape. Excited community members gathered at the Tankwa Karoo Community Hall to listen to the tales of their town. Guests were treated to videos in which past and present residents of Tankwa spoke of their personal histories and some of its traditions.
The Witzenberg Riel dancers welcomed guests with a vibrant performance, followed by an address by the Executive Mayor of the Witzenberg Municipality, Barnito Klaasen. Klaasen welcomed guests to the auspicious occasion and thanked DCAS and Minister Anroux Marais for bringing the project to Tankwa.
Minister Anroux Marais encouraged community members to keep oral history alive in Tankwa Karoo and to keep telling stories about their communities and their history. “We are so diverse, yet we are so similar when it comes to the stories we tell of our communities and our history.” she said.
A Tankwa Karoo local, David Slinger, reflected on his own personal history growing up and living in the Karoo at a time when the chosen mode of transport was either a bicycle or a donkey cart. “If you’ve never set foot in the Karoo you haven’t lived,” said Slinger who encouraged people to come and visit and experience the Karoo.
DCAS is committed to preserving the personal histories and experiences of our local communities for future generations. Let us continue to celebrate our stories. BETTER TOGETHER
Stacy McLean
Spokesperson for Minister Anroux Marais
Email: Stacy.McLean@westerncape.gov.za
Tel: 021 483 4426
Cell: 083 504 1171