![Western Cape Department of Agriculture establishes food garden at Boniface Primary School, Molsvlei. molsvlei-food-garden.jpg](https://d7.westerncape.gov.za/sites/www.westerncape.gov.za/files/molsvlei-food-garden_0.jpg)
Gerrit van Rensburg, Western Cape Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development on Monday officially handed over a R98 000 food garden to the Boniface Primary School. The school is in the isolated and rain scarce community of Molsvlei, in the Bitterfontein area on the border between the Western Cape Province and the Northern Cape.
Hester Riffel, Boniface Primary Principal, approached Minister van Rensburg when he visited Molsvlei earlier in the year, indicating that such a garden would be to the benefit of the school and the community.
Due to the water scarcity in the area, rainwater harvesting tanks; two tunnels, and a drip irrigation system were installed for this particular project.
Van Rensburg said he is confident this project will instil a love for the soil and for growing food in the students. "We need more young people to come and study in agricultural disciplines, as food security will become one of the most important issues for mankind in the near future."