The Department of Community Safety was invited by the South African Police Services to attend their Ministerial Imbizo held at Mount View High School, Hanover Park, on Friday, 8th September 2017, to address community members affected by Gangsterism and Drugs.
The Imbizo was attended by over 2 000 community members from all over the Cape Flats who came to voice their concerns and frustrations to the Deputy Minister of Police, Bongani Mkongi. Provincial police commissioner Lieutenant-General Khombinkosi Elvis Jula, spoke out in response to the many grievances that were expressed by the attendees, who are affected by the scourge of drugs and gang-related activity. He stated that killings remain an epidemic in the Western Cape:
“We have identified particular police stations – so-called murder stations. These include Manenberg, Elsies River, Ravensmead, Steenberg, Cape Town, Philippi East and Nyanga (among others). There is so much work still to do in Manenberg, but we have re-focussed and prioritised all areas where gang-related crimes increased. Those of you who spoke up today, let’s form a working group and look at the issues you are raising, then we can show the deputy minister (of police) the progress we made when he follows up.”
Mr Mkongi emphasised the importance of the community members standing united with the police in ensuring that criminal acts are reported:
“We cannot be divided. Gangsters take advantage of our division and politics. It also creates conflict and confusion among our people. Gangsters are carrying heavy weaponry and are terrorising our people and are not afraid of shooting at the police. The community must remain united against the scourge,” he said.
With the key frustrations being communicated to Mr Mkongi by the community members, everyone resolved at the close of the Imbizo to do their personal best to fight gang-violence and work better together to create safer communities.
Ishaam Davids
Head of Communications
Department of Community Safety
Tel: 021 483 6689
Email: Ishaam.Davids@westerncape.gov.za