Department of Community Safety transfers R2.530 million to Metro Police K-9 Unit for 2020/21
The Department of Community Safety, under the leadership of Minister Albert Fritz, will transfer R2.530 million towards the City of Cape Town’s Metro Police K-9 Unit for 2020/21 financial year. Today, Minister Fritz, further donated two vehicles to the Unit.
The unit, which consists of 25 dogs and 23 handlers, has been especially trained to assist law enforcement in detecting narcotics, explosives and missing persons.
The Department of Community Safety has funded Metro Police’s K-9 Unit through a partnership with the City of Cape Town. While the Unit is situated with Metro Police, it assists in operations with Provincial Traffic and SAPS.
Minister Fritz said, “Our contribution in funds and donation of vehicles will support the Unit in joint operations at weighbridges on Provincial roads and identified hotspot areas. Focus is mostly placed on National and Provincial roads to curb transportation of illicit drugs, ammunition and substances.”
Metro Police’s K-9 Unit has been in operation for approximately 10 years. The Unit includes 12 dogs trained to detect narcotics, six trained to detect explosives and four to detect missing persons.
Minister Fritz said, “I am fascinated by the training provided to the K-9 unit, which enables them to respond to the specific crime trends.” The K-9 unit, which includes the dogs and their handlers, have been trained to:
Minister Fritz said, “We know that the N2, and the many peri-urban communities along it are particularly affected by transportation of narcotics, firearms and ammunitions.” The Unit has been essential in safeguarding the N2 and some its successes for the 2019/20 period include:
Minister Fritz continued, “Among the significant confiscations and findings by the K-9 Unit include the detection of large amounts of dagga (59.5 units), mandrax (undisclosed number), tik (353 units), and heroine (165 units). Additionally, they have discovered one firearm and ammunition (7 rounds of 9mm bullets).”
In terms of funding, between:
In addition, the Department is providing vehicles to assist with the transportation of the K-9 Units to various areas within the municipality. Two VW Amarok double cab vehicles were purchased and will be donated to the City of Cape Town’s Metro Police K-9 Unit.
Minister Fritz said, “Going forward, I look forward to receiving written quarterly progress report from the City of Cape Town, including a final progress report to the programme manager of the Department.”
Cayla Ann Tomás Murray
Spokesperson for Minister Albert Fritz
Tel: 021 483 8550
Cell: 064 121 7959
Email: Cayla.murray@westerncape.gov.za