The Department of Transport and Public Works hosted the annual provincial Participatory Educational Techniques (PET) competition and a preliminary round of the provincial road safety debate competition at the Gene Louw Traffic College in Brackenfell on 30 July 2016.
Steenberg High School and Breede River High School competed in the PET competition which is aimed at changing learner attitudes towards road safety through participatory education. The five learners from these schools will now represent the Western Cape in the urban and rural categories at the national competition to be held from 3 to 8 October in Durban.
The PET project challenged learners from Grade 10 and 11 to identify road safety problems in their communities and to find research-based solutions. Competing schools were adjudicated on:
Chandré Linevee, a Grade 11 learner from Steenberg High, says they enjoyed finding possible solutions for road safety problems in their community.
“We found that traffic congestion, pedestrian and scholar safety and road traffic engineering contribute to crashes here. We know that some of these solutions are costly, and comes with challenges. However, we are confident that the inputs from adjudicators and department officials will help us to prepare for the nationals,” she said.
Bennette-Dene Kapozo, a Grade 11 learner from Breede River High, says many learners have to walk to school and that poses a hazard, as some motorists tend to speed and have no regard for traffic signals.
“We believe that our solutions provided in terms of education, enforcement and engineering will contribute to a steady reduction in injuries and crashes. We look forward to working together with traffic officers in the Worcester area, through pamphleteering and to create awareness at our school,” she said.
The Department’s road safety officers and architects will be assisting the schools in the following weeks to prepare them for the national PET competition.
Byron la Hoe
Communication Officer
Department of Transport and Public Works
Tel: 021 483 9813
Cell: 079 281 8570
Email: byron.lahoe@westerncape.gov.za
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