‘Wathint' Abafazi, Wathint' Imbokodo'
(you strike the women, you strike the rock)
In August, our country celebrates Women’s Month, as we pay tribute to the thousands of women who bravely marched to the Union Buildings on 9 August 1956 in search of freedom of movement, and as such, many other freedoms for women.
While our country has come a long way in transforming the unequal power relations between women and men and addressing gender oppression of women; our mothers, sisters and daughters continue to fight silent battles and fall victim to the injustices of gender-based violence (GBV); with tragic events reported in the media - such as the burnt remains of a woman - found near Khayelitsha Stadium earlier this week.
GBV – an inexcusable injustice to women
The second pandemic of GBV is inexcusable and an injustice to the women of this country and our ancestors, who so bravely fought for women's rights and freedoms in 1956.
As a Department, we take this very seriously and continue to implement initiatives for staff and the public that drive awareness and create platforms for change.
Last year The Department of Local Government appointed a team to address GBV within the province. This team has since implemented, among others, various educational webinars relating to GBV; as the Department continues to support initiatives that aim to address violence against women.
Inspirational women
As Women's Month draws to a close, the Department celebrates its own inspirational women, who have fought to not only achieve their goals within the workplace, but who continue to uplift and encourage their female counterparts within the workplace.
The Department not only recognises them, and many others, as inspirational women within the workplace, but also highlights them as a motivation to all women.
Dr Anneke Clark Deputy Director, Deputy Director Municipal Governance
Dr Anneke Clark Deputy Director, Deputy Director Municipal Governance joined The Department in 2016 as Assistant Director in the District and Local Performance Monitoring Directorate. During this time, she completed her Doctorate in Public Management and now serves as Deputy Director Municipal Governance.
Women's Month is very special to Dr Clark, as it serves as a reminder of the strength and courage woman have showed when confronted with injustice.
"Today we have women living in communities being destroyed by drugs and gangsterism and who also do not have freedom of movement because the areas are unsafe. We should ask ourselves where we need to apply pressure to support these communities. As with my own family, I come from a line of women who have opened up our homes to extend the reprieve and commitment of a family to as many people as we can”, says Clark.
Here Dr Clark shares her wish for women as we move out of Women's Month:
Sonja Chinnian Deputy Director of Disaster Institutional Capacity at the Disaster Management Centre
Sonja Chinnian Deputy Director of Disaster Institutional Capacity at the Disaster Management Centre shares her inspirational convictions in celebration of Women's Month. "For me, Woman’s Month is a celebration of honouring woman that has made sacrifices, friendships and has shown immense strength during adversities. It is a reminder of the powerful voice we have as a collective. It is a time to celebrate our uniqueness, individuality, talents, emotional intelligence and authenticity that is the very spice of life."
The Department of Local Government wishes every woman within its employ; as well as members of the public a prosperous year ahead, as Women’s Month 2021 draws to a close.
Yentl Barros