On 5 October 2015 Deputy Minister of Public Works, Jeremy Cronin, visited the Hout Bay and SA Sendinggestig Museums in the Western Cape. He took a keen interest in the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) at both museums and met the beneficiaries involved in these projects.
The EPWP is one of the many programmes offered by the Western Cape Government and the National Department of Public Works that aims to provide poverty and income relief through temporary work for the unemployed in the form of socially useful activities. Projects at the museums include the audit of the collections in the museum, cultural and heritage tourism and governance, public enquiries and research.
The visit of Mr Cronin highlighted these meaningful work opportunities that contribute to improve the lives of the beneficiaries. At the same time it strengthens the museum’s ties by employing locals from the community and assists the museum staff in offering high quality services to communities and visitors through tour guiding and educational programmes.
The EPWP equips people with marketable skills and provides job opportunities for unemployed people. These meaningful partnerships benefit all stakeholders and enable DCAS to create opportunities for all the people of the Western Cape, Better Together.
Tania Colyn
Head of Communication Service
Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport
Tel: 021 483 9877
E-mail: tania.colyn@westerncape.gov.za