Vaccinated community members are being urged to continue practicing COVID-19 safe behaviour, like wearing their masks, after receiving their jabs.
While vaccinations against diseases, like COVID-19, are highly effective and can prevent serious illness, vaccinated residents still need to protect themselves and their loved ones from the Coronavirus by practicing safe behaviour.
Assistant Nursing Manager Michelle Williams was vaccinated on 25 February 2021 at Karl Bremer Hospital. Nurse Williams recently contracted COVID-19 and says she had mild symptoms, adding she thought she had the flu. She has reminded the public to keep safe by always wearing a mask when in public, avoiding large gatherings and confined spaces with poor ventilation.
“I developed symptoms on Friday 25 June 2021. I had flu-like symptoms, like a cough, a headache and diarrhoea. I was tested on Monday 28 June and stayed home from the time I became symptomatic. My biggest concern is we don’t know who has the virus. We may think our friends or loved ones are safe and have no symptoms, they might be a carrier. This is why myself, my husband and son cannot say where we picked up the virus. My husband was hospitalised after contracting the virus and he has not been vaccinated yet. This was the first time I tested positive for COVID-19. Previously, I had two negative tests, one in May 2020 and September 2020. If you’re shopping and you’re not wearing your mask correctly, you are at a high risk of contracting COVID-19 while shopping. We have to keep safe in all spaces.”
As continue to face the third wave, here is how you can help to prevent transmission of the virus whether you have been vaccinated or are waiting for your turn to receive vaccination.
We can avoid a transmission chain from setting in by protecting our air space.
Vaccination continues across the Northern and Tygerberg subdistricts. The following sites will be provide vaccination to the public in the subdistricts.
We encourage all residents, 60 years and older who have not received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine to go to their nearest vaccination site. If you have not registered, our staff will assist you to register at the vaccination site. You can also register for vaccination for using the FREE USSD service: dial *134*832# from your phone to start the registration process or send the word “REGISTER” to 0600 123 456 on WhatsApp, or visit http://vaccine.enroll.health.gov.za. You can also access this link on our website, www.westerncape.gov.za.
After you have received your vaccination, remember to keep safe by wearing your mask and avoiding large gatherings as well as confined spaces with poor ventilation.
It is also very important to not go for the vaccination if you have symptoms of COVID-19, as you will not be vaccinated at the site and you risk compromising the safety of others.
As usual, a limited numbers of walk-ins will be accommodated at the vaccination sites. The number of walk-ins depend on the available capacity and vaccine doses available at each individual site.
The EVDS system will allocate appointments from Monday, 5 July 2021, to the following priority groups:
Priority 1 - people 60 years and older requiring their 1st dose of Pfizer vaccine;
Priority 2 - people 60 years and older who are eligible for their 2nd dose of Pfizer vaccine (approximately 42 days after their 1st dose);
Priority 3 - people aged 50 -59 years requiring their 1st dose of Pfizer vaccine.
Thank you for your cooperation as we unite to vaccinate the Western Cape.
Shimoney Regter
Communications Officer
Department of Health
Western Cape Government
Office: 021 815 8885
Cell: 081 342 6687
E-mail: shimoney.regter@westerncape.gov.za
Website: www.westerncape.gov.za