Excitement filled the air as Karl Bremer Hospital launched its vaccination tent on Tuesday, 23 February 2021, boosting Western Cape Government Health’s efforts to immunise staff against the Coronavirus.
Karl Bremer Hospital joins Tygerberg Hospital, Groote Schuur Hospital and Khayelitsha District Hospital in the rollout of the Johnson & Johnson vaccinations. Healthcare workers on the frontline form part of phase one of the rollout.
Sr Iris Adams has worked as a nurse for over 43 years and received the first vaccination at the launch on Tuesday.
“I feel good and I was excited. I decided to take the vaccine today because we have been waiting for it for so long and now it’s here.”
General worker Nomvuyo Sihoyiya was next in line to get her shot and says it was not as painful as she had expected.
“I feel fine and I am happy that I was able to get the vaccine. I am doing this to protect myself and others.”
Dr Sue Le Roux became emotional after receiving her jab and has encouraged all healthcare workers to consider vaccination.
“I am beyond excited. I have dreamt of this day and it’s finally here. I encourage all our healthcare workers to step up and to take the vaccine. It’s the best thing we can do for ourselves and others. Get your shot!”
Hospital CEO Jonathan Lucas joined his team to get vaccinated and described the launch as an exciting day for healthcare workers at the hospital.
“This is an exciting opportunity for us to get vaccinated to protect ourselves and our co-workers. My message to our healthcare workers is, let’s all unite. The vaccine is safe and you can make the choice to make a difference.”
Western Cape Government Health encourages healthcare workers to register on the Electronic Vaccine Data System (EVDS) to get their jab at https://vaccine.enroll.health.gov.za/
As the fight against the virus continues, we urge all residents to wear their masks, keep a distance of 1.5 m from others and to stay home when sick.
Shimoney Regter
Communications Officer
Department of Health
Western Cape Government
Office: 021 815 8885
Cell: 081 342 6687
E-mail: shimoney.regter@westerncape.gov.za
Website: www.westerncape.gov.za