Certain roadworks currently under way in Montagu will be suspended from 7 to 18 April 2017 for the Easter holidays.
The works form part of a 36-month Department of Transport and Public Works contract to rehabilitate and upgrade various sections of the R60 and R62 between Ashton and Montagu through Cogmanskloof. Work on this R583-million contract is expected to be completed in the third quarter of 2018.
Minor construction work will continue during this time. A small team will continue installing a stormwater pipe in Du Toit Street. Work will also continue at Voortrekker Bridge, and electrical cables will be installed on the Montagu Primary School grounds.
One of the one-way sections in Long Street (from Du Toit Street to Talana Road) will revert to two-way traffic for this period. This means that, until 19 April 2017, uninterrupted two-way traffic will be allowed from Church Street in the direction of Barrydale.
One-way traffic arrangements will remain in place from Voortrekker Bridge to Church Street, and in Van Riebeeck Street between Brink St and the Voortrekker Bridge.
The construction team will have a small maintenance team on site to ensure that the road remains safe.
To report any serious problems or concerns, please call 073 553 2171 or 076 340 4088.
Join the Department on Twitter @WCGovTPW under the hashtag #roadworksWC
You can follow the Department of Transport and Public Works on Twitter: @WCGovTPW