On the eve of Easter, the final group of beneficiaries moved into their brand new homes at the N2 Gateway Boystown Housing Project in Crossroads.
This development which commenced in 2010 was aimed at beneficiaries from five informal settlement areas namely, Gqhobasi, Newrest, Philippi Temporary Relocation Areas (TRA), Triangle Site and Open Spaces in Crossroads. Although it faced numerous challenges, it has ensured that 1 549 beneficiaries along with their loved ones could live in a safer and dignified manner.
Minister Simmers said: “This handover marks the end of what has been a challenging, yet fulfilling journey as we have successfully assisted qualifying beneficiaries. I would like to extend my gratitude to all stakeholders, particularly the contractors and communities for ensuring that the handovers could occur. I would like to wish all the residents of this new community well as they forge a new legacy, and may this only be the beginning of many Easter blessings."
Mrs Ntese (70-year-old), one of three families who took occupancy after more than 30 years being on the Housing Demand Database could not hide her joy nor hold back the tears as she said: “We are delighted and grateful for this opportunity after such a long time of living under difficult conditions at the informal settlement in Newrest. With more than 30 years on the waiting list it is hard to believe that this moment has finally arrived for our family and we would like to thank the Western Cape government and its officials for delivering on its promise and making our dream come true.”
Another beneficiary, 59 year old Mrs Mselana who moved from the Open Spaces in Crossroads, stated that “for years I moved around Crossroads as a tenant, however due to inconsistent income and unstable jobs I ended up in an informal settlement and enlisted on the Housing Demand Database to seek assistance from our government. I do not have enough vocabulary to show my gratitude to the Department of Human Settlements. It has been many years of waiting, and today we finally moved into our own formal house. Our previous dwelling was not conducive to my husband’s health with the water leakage and cold nights in winter. We are truly grateful that the Minister and department has prioritised the elderly."
“As the Western Cape government we remain committed to accelerating human settlement delivery, while promoting social inclusion through the development of integrated, resilient, safe and sustainable human settlements in an open opportunity society” concluded Simmers.
Marcellino Martin
Spokesperson for Minister Tertuis Simmers
Tel: 021 483 3397
Mobile: 082 721 3362
Email: Marcellino.martin@westerncape.gov.za
Nathan Adriaanse
Director Communication & Stakeholder Relations
Tell: 021 483 2868
Mobile: 083 263 1720
Email: Nathan.Adriaanse@westerncape.gov.za