Today, the first 12 beneficiaries who acquired their homes with the assistance of the Finance Linked Individual Subsidy Programme (FLISP) in the Forest Village Housing Development in Eerste River, moved into their units.
Forest Village is one of the Western Cape Department of Human Settlements’ Catalytic Projects, which commenced in January 2016 and is a mixed-use development. The project caters for beneficiaries of different income levels and specific needs such as Military Veterans and includes Breaking New Ground (BNG) and FLISP units. Upon completion, the project is envisaged to provide housing opportunities to over 5000 beneficiaries. Western Cape residents benefiting from this project are from the Airport Precinct, the N2 Gateway excess, and the local Wards 16, 17, and 108.
The FLISP subsidy is available to persons with a combined gross monthly income between R3 501.00 up to R22 000.00. A successful applicant could qualify for a subsidy ranging from R121 626 to R27 960 which is linked to the income band within which they fall. Although primarily used as a deposit, the Western Cape Government has also allowed beneficiaries to utilize the subsidy to pay for transfer and bond costs.
Minister Tertuis Simmers said: “I am delighted to note that young professionals moved into their own homes. It’s unfortunate that I was unable to personally hand their keys over, but I am looking forward to visiting these new homeowners in due course to ascertain how they’ve settled into this new community. This just once again demonstrates how the Western Cape Government is bringing residents from different income levels and walks of life together to form an integrated community. We’re redressing the apartheid spatial planning by creating fully integrated communities.
This is also aligned to our strategy of ensuring that affordable housing opportunities are created for those who earn too much to qualify for a fully state subsidised home. This is critical, considering that more than 70% of Western Cape residents are employed and therefore would in all likelihood have a household income that is above R 3 500. I’d like to congratulate these new homeowners and also appeal to them to ensure they have all the necessary insurances in place for their homes”.
An ecstatic beneficiary and new homeowner Ms. Ntombi Peters said “I lived with my parents in Malibu Village, so having my own home is unimaginable and can’t explain how I feel right now. I am over the moon at the fact that I am now a homeowner and really happy. I must also state that I am satisfied with how the FLISP application process went, and I am so thrilled with the final product which is my brand home. Thank you to all who assisted and made this possible for me”.
Mr & Mrs Van Der Westhuizen another happy couple who also just moved in “we’re very excited at the opportunity of having our own house, as it is a real struggle for one to purchase their own house these and the FLISP offering made this very easy and accessible for us. We are very happy now that we have our own place to stay as we were living in a one room cottage at our parents’ house. We are now able to build and renovate our house and make it a home for us and our son”.
“As the Western Cape Government, we remain committed to accelerating human settlements delivery, while promoting social inclusion through the development of integrated, resilient, safe and sustainable human settlements in an open opportunity society,” concluded Simmers.
Marcellino Martin
Spokesperson for Minister Tertuis Simmers
Tel: 021 483 3397
Mobile: 082 721 3362
Email: Marcellino.martin@westerncape.gov.za
Nathan Adriaanse
Director Communication & Stakeholder Relations
Tell: 021 483 2868
Mobile: 083 2631720
Email: Nathan.Adriaanse@westerncape.gov.za