The first phase of a R146 million Department of Transport and Public Works project for the Western Cape Department of Health to restore historical buildings and build new facilities at Valkenberg Psychiatric Hospital has been completed. With effect from 1 April, this upgraded facility will boast 360 beds (145 beds in the Forensics Unit and 215 for acute admissions).
Phase 2 commenced in February 2016 and is expected to have been completed by March 2017. This phase includes a new entrance forecourt, new electrical reticulation and a new power supply, new bulk water mains, new roads and parking, and new landscaping.
Valkenberg Hospital is situated on a 29 hectare site between the Liesbeek River and the Black River. It has significant historic and cultural value with the hospital having been established in 1891.
The building boasts a passive ventilation system with Boyle ventilators. These features help to give effect to the Western Cape Government’s 110% Green initiative. Access for persons with disabilities has been provided in all the historic buildings.
The Department is committed to providing Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) work opportunities and to developing emerging contractor businesses in its undertakings. All targets for labour in the Phase 1 contract were met and R10 million was spent on targeted enterprises. In addition, a total of 29 beneficiaries received technical training in carpentry.
The work completed on the Valkenberg revitalisation project is testimony to the Department’s excellent track record of delivering quality infrastructure on time and within budget.
View Valkenberg Hospital revitalisation project Information Sheet:
Construction of the facility:
Heinrich Robertson
Assistant Director: Communications
Department of Transport and Public Works
Tel: 021 483 0539
Cell: 082 460 9262
Email: Heinrich.Robertson@westerncape.gov.za
Operational aspects of the facility:
Marika Champion
Western Cape Health Department
Tel: 021 483 3235
Email: Marika.Champion@westerncape.gov.za