The Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs & Sport (DCAS), in partnership with the Overberg Sport Council and the ETA College in George, has hosted its first official Generic Mass Talent Identification Programme. The testing took place on Saturday 18 June 2016 at the Glaskasteel Sport Complex in Bredasdorp.
An objective of the Overberg District Sport Academy in this regard is to identify athletes to compete for selection to attend the High Performance Academy Programme. The ages of the male and female athletes range from 13 to 19 years (juniors).
The ETA College tested approximately 100 athletes on the day – the testing forming part of a talent identification process that takes place on a quarterly basis, focussing on strength, agility, cardio-vascular endurance, speed, muscular endurance, flexibility, etc. The athletes were divided into groups of five who were required to report to eight testing stations in determining who would be admitted to the Programme.
The athletes selected to participate in the High Performance Academy Programme will have their profiles included on a database in order that they can be monitored and their progress measured on a personal level. In addition, the Overberg Academy offers an array of services and financial support for the athletes throughout the year, which cover living expenses, coaching, medical assessments, screening and interventions, scientific support, psychological assessments and intervention, technological support, life-skills and career counselling, education and training, as well as international exposure through training camps, competitions and exchange programmes. Nurturing has been a big part of the implementation of talent identification with the aim of selecting the top athletes of the district for further development at higher levels.
In short, the top athletes of the Overberg District are being given the opportunity to demonstrate their talent and to vie for a place in the Overberg District Sport Academy which will offer them the support they need to continue on their pathway to glory, BETTER TOGETHER.
Tania Colyn
Head of Communication Service
Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport
Tel: 021 483 9877
E-mail: tania.colyn@westerncape.gov.za