With much sadness I received the news that former Minister of Agriculture in the Western Cape, Gerrit van Rensburg has passed away.
Gerrit van Rensburg served the people of the Western Cape and its farming community with distinction from 2009 to 2014.
With his quiet, modest disposition, he distinguished himself as a true leader, a gentleman, a servant leader.
He fully appreciated the role and contribution of the agri-worker.
With this sense of appreciation, he exponentially grew the Western Cape Farm Worker of the Year Competition. He also recognised the advisory role that the Agri-Workers Prestige Forum could play in building agriculture in the Western Cape.
During his term the Western Cape Department of Agriculture (WCDoA) earned numerous accolades.
These included the WCDoA being crowned by the Southern African Institute for Government Auditors as the Department in South Africa with the best Annual Reporting, for three consecutive years (2011, 2012 and 2013).
The WCDoA was also nominated as the best provincial research department in South Africa by the independent International Food Policy Research Institute.
Gerrit van Rensburg made a significant contribution to the growth and development of agriculture in the Western Cape.
We extend our sincere condolences to his wife, Christa and the family and friends of the late Oom Gerrit van Rensburg.
Daniel Johnson
Spokesperson for Minister Ivan Meyer
Tel: 079 990 4231
Email: Daniel.Johnson@westerncape.gov.za