Gene Louw Traffic College visit Kraaifontein Community Health Clinic , for their 67 minutes.
On 18 July 2018 staff and students from Gene Louw Traffic College (GLTC) visited the Community Health Clinic in Kraaifontein to spend their 67 minutes on Madiba Day bringing relief to less fortunate people waiting for medical treatment. On the day, the visitors distributed freshly made soup and bread to people in the queue. The intervention was suggested by GLTC instructor Kavin Pheiffer.
When the group arrived, the queues were already long. People were hesitant to leave their seats to fetch soup and bread because they did not want to lose their place in the queue, so food was served inside the waiting area.
Willie van der Merwe , acting Head of College, thanked the group for being willing to give something back to the community.