Good financial governance and knowledge transfer between local, provincial and national government
Western Cape Finance Minister, Dr Ivan Meyer will host the third annual Municipal Finance Forum on 13 and 14 November 2017 in Rawsonville.
The aim of the engagement is to support and capacitate the Mayoral Committee Members for Finance with the execution of their financial oversight responsibilities.
Speakers at the two-day session will impart information regarding best practice in managing the finances of municipalities.
Minister Meyer said that Finance Members of Municipalities must have the necessary skills and knowledge in budget planning, implementation, oversight and reporting.
“It is important to instil good financial governance for sustainable development which leads to public value and service delivery. Mayors and their Mayoral Committee Members of Finance play a critical role in establishing and maintaining the financial health of their respective municipalities” said Minister Meyer.
Municipal budgets are an important tool to improve service delivery and with the current challenges being experienced in the Western Cape, special focus will be placed on the impact of the drought on municipal budgets, and the support offered by provincial government to municipalities.
Mr TV Pillay and Mr Wayne McComans from National Treasury will address the delegates on municipal regulations of financial misconduct and criminal proceedings.
Other topics that will be addressed include the strategic role of councillors in budget formulation for sustainability, spatial planning to enhance sustainable local government, infrastructure delivery, best practice and lessons learned in implementing financial governance turnaround within municipalities, the oversight role of councillors in Supply Chain Management, Municipal Standard Chart of Accounts, King IV, good financial management practices and practical examples and success stories from municipalities.
The sessions provide the platform for Provincial Treasury officials to engage with their stakeholders and offer advice, guidance, training and support to municipalities to improve good financial governance practices.
Daniel Johnson
Media Liaison Officer/Spokesperson to Dr Ivan Meyer Minister of Finance
Cell: 079 990 4231
E-mail: daniel.johnson@westerncape.gov.za