The Department of Transport and Public Works (DTPW) is making good progress with resealing a 40 km length of the R27 between Yzerfontein and Langebaan. This R84 million project is expected to have been completed early in 2017.
This project is approximately 76% complete. In addition to resealing, work on this road includes repairs to potholes, cracks, and storm water drainage structures. The resealing of various sections of road is complete. Almost all necessary repairs have been done. Final surfacing and rehabilitation is in progress where repairs are complete.
Three different traffic accommodation strategies have been used during the project:
DTPW is committed to creating short-term local Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) employment and skills training opportunities. Contract expenditure to date is R8,8 million on targeted enterprises and R2,8 million on local labour. A total of 6 136 person-days of work have been created so far for persons from the Swartland municipal area.
The high-quality road infrastructure that DTPW provides is an important component of a safe and effective transport system, and an enabler of economic and social development in the Western Cape.
The drivers of the 5 700 vehicles that travel on this road every day will soon be able to enjoy a safer and more pleasant travelling experience.
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