Groote Schuur Hospital is thankful to the South African Medical & Education (SAME) Foundation for the recent donation to the value of over R4 million worth of equipment to be used in the hospital’s Intensive Care Units. The equipment donated includes infusion pumps, infusion consumable sets and syringe drivers.
The SAME Foundation is a South African NGO which undertakes high impact community development projects. It aims to improve healthcare and educational facilities in poverty-stricken communities, where there is no short/medium-term governmental budget for improvements.
“For the past 17 years the SAME Foundation has been assisting the public healthcare system by donating the resources they need to provide quality healthcare to South Africans. We understand the immense pressure and strain that our healthcare facilities are experiencing during this time of crisis. The pandemic has taken an already overburdened and under resourced system and forced it to adapt to, and facilitate, an increase in patients needing emergency lifesaving medical treatment. Groote Schuur is one of 10 Hospitals around the country that have been identified to receive funding from our Covid-19 Relief Project.
“The hospitals that have received donations were identified through talks with the key members of the Health Department to identify where the highest needs are. The SAME Foundation along with its partner Adcock Ingram Critical Care will be donating equipment valued at over R3 million rand, with and additional R1 million worth of equipment being donated through other partners. This donation is part of a larger R20 million we have allocated to facilities around the country in the fight against Covid-19. We will continue to assist healthcare facilities through this time of emergency to the best of our ability and hope that the contribution to Groote Schuur Hospital makes a significant difference,” said Mr Trevor Pols, CEO of SAME Foundation.
The hospital is also thankful to Disa Life Sciences for the donation of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for staff working in Covid-19 areas at the hospital. The items donated included latex surgical gloves, surgical face masks, visor face protectors, and hand sanitiser.
“It is with a sense of great pleasure and duty that I am happy to announce the donation of R500 000 worth of PPE to Groote Schuur Hospital. As a proudly South African medical devices manufacturer and distributor, Disa Life Sciences has a long history with Groote Schuur Hospital dating back to 1998 when our first cardiac stent was implanted at your hospital,” said Dr Gregory Vizirgianakis, CEO of Disa Life Sciences.
According to Dr Belinda Jacobs, Medical Manager at Groote Schuur Hospital everyone greatly appreciates the generous donation of PPE for our staff on the frontline caring for critically ill patients. This will indeed bolster our supplies and support us in caring for our carers. The support shown by Disa Life Sciences in the battle against the invisible enemy is fully acknowledged.”
The hospital is thankful to these organisations that have come forward to support the hospital in these challenging times due to Covid-19. Their contributions make a big difference so that we can continue to provide quality care to all patients.
Photo – SAME Foundation Donation
From left to right
Sr Sadick Swartz - Operational Manager D12 Surgical ICU
Grant Strathie - Assistant Director Critical Care Clinical Technologist
Thina Shozi - Critical Care Clinical Technologist
Trevor Pols – CEO, SAME Foundation
Alaric Jacobs
Communications Officer
Groote Schuur Hospital
Cell - 083 412 5608