Notice of lane closures due to the construction along the R328 and R102, Hartenbos Area
Sections of Regional Road R328 (TR33/2) between Hartenbos and Oudtshoorn will be under construction at various times from 7 am until 5:30 pm, Mondays to Saturdays. Construction along the road will be taking place between May 2024 and November 2024.
Stop-and-go traffic accommodation measures, will be implemented during both day and night-time for this period.
Contract C1154 - the periodic maintenance of TR33/2, MR344, DR1582 and OP6811 near Hartenbos
The main objective of this project is to carry out Periodic Maintenance (resurfacing) of MR328 between Hartenbos and Oudtshoorn. This project also includes the resealing of MR 344 (R102) between Mossel Bay and the N2 (to Cape Town) and also two short sections of two minor roads, DR1582 and OP6811, located within the residential area of Brandwag.
The project was awarded to Actophambili Roads (Pty) Ltd in November 2023 and work commenced in January 2024. The expected completion date is end of November 2024.
Traffic will be accommodated on the existing road with temporary lane closures. It is a provision of the contract that traffic shall be accommodated with the least delay and discomfort to the public. In some instances, stop/go one-way traffic will be necessary. The safety and convenience of the travelling public are of utmost importance and every effort will be made to ensure that courtesy is extended to the public at all times. No full road closures will be permitted.
A minimum of 1 fully operational lane shall be provided at all times and the maximum temporary lane closure length is 5.0km. The minimum spacing between consecutive lane closures shall be 3.0km.
The public is requested to be patient and exercise caution when using the road.