Over the past weekend the Western Cape received a further 5 300 doses of the Johnson&Johnson COVID-19 vaccine through the Sisonke implementation study. This is the first delivery of the third Tranche with two more deliveries expected this week. The overall intent of the vaccination roll-out is to prevent severe illness and death and to protect the health system. During Phase 1, healthcare workers are being targeted first, to ensure that we are able to vaccinate the most at risk healthcare workers first to ensure our readiness for a third wave.
Vaccination Progress (Phase 1)
To date, the Western Cape received 31 260 vaccines and have vaccinated 27 570 healthcare workers in the province – utilizing 88% of its allocated quantity since the start of the vaccination rollout during Phase 1.
As more vaccines arrive, more vaccination sites will be opened. Karl Bremer Hospital has vaccinated its full quantity and has since been replaced by Mitchells Plain Hospital as a vaccination site. There are currently 8 vaccination sites across the province consisting of both public and private vaccination sites. (Groote Schuur, Tygerberg, Khayelitsha District Hospital, Mitchells Plain Hospital, Gatesville Melomed Hospital, Worcester, Paarl and George Hospital). On
16 March marked the first day of vaccinations at Mitchells Plain Hospital, with the hospital vaccinating 169 healthcare workers on the first day.
The Department has received a positive response from staff to be trained as vaccinators with 3 947 healthcare workers having registered for the vaccinator training and 2 054 having already completed it.
Sequencing of vaccines to healthcare workers
Since a limited number of vaccines are currently available the Department has introduced sequencing to ensure equitable access, and that the most vulnerable and most at-risk-of exposure healthcare workers are vaccinated first.
Even though we follow the sequencing, we do so with and as continue to receive batches of vaccines, we commit to continue with vaccination so that all healthcare workers who are willing to be vaccinated get vaccinated. The continued roll-out of Phase one healthcare worker vaccinations should be complete by end April (depending on vaccine allocations).
Register for vaccine
During phase 1, only healthcare workers who wish to take up vaccination can register on the national Electronic Vaccination Data System (EVDS): https://vaccine.enroll.health.gov.za. Once registered they will be issued with a voucher indicating vaccination site and date to go for the vaccination. Registered healthcare workers in the public sector are asked to liaise with the relevant person at their workplace to book their appointment after they have received their voucher. Various private sector groupings have their own scheduling procedures.
Shielding each other
With the holidays around the corner, we must remember the importance of fresh air and open spaces and continue keeping up our COVID-safe practices to keep us safe.
The vaccine is currently being rolled out to healthcare workers, but not enough of us have been vaccinated at this stage to stop the spread of the virus.
To keep safe over the holidays, please do
Let’s stay safe so that we keep moving forward.