Chairperson, District and Municipal Managers, municipal and sector officials guest speakers and colleagues - all protocol observed, I extend a warm welcome to you all at the launch of our first QMIPF session. The first session will take course over three days, with the focus on water infrastructure priorities in the province.
I would like to acknowledge everyone present for labouring in the great work ahead. The output from these gatherings finds footing in other planning forums to enhance co-planning, co-budgeting and co-implementation across all of government which are the principles promoted through the Joint District and Metro Approach (JDMA).
The whole of Government as we know is engulfed by the compelling role to balance out depreciating fiscal budgets along with separate mandates focused on service delivery. Given the concerted effort from all organs of state to address some of the historical backlogs related to access to basic services in the province, we can almost say with doubt that municipalities are in a much better place than before looking at the recently published Good Governance Africa Article, Best and Worst Performing Municipalities 2024, which illustrated that 15 of the 20 top performing municipalities are in the Western Cape. For this mammoth achievement, I would like us to give all the municipalities a resounding round of applause.
Equally, notwithstanding that a lot of work awaits to be done, to which provides the opportunity for us to re-evaluate our collective efforts and support to municipalities. The Constitution and Systems Act, promotes cohesive governance across all of government through the establishment of Intergovernmental Structures. In the Western Cape Province, the JDMA is a forum aimed at aligning horizontal and vertical planning processes towards optimal budgeting and implementation. Your continued participation in this Municipal Infrastructure Focused arm of the JDMA will provide great value on the planning processes which should start here and should end at your respective municipalities.
Issued by : DLG Communications