The Western Cape Government is constantly striving to ensure that interested contractors are able to compete for tender opportunities.
At the recent Cape Construction Expo held at the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC) on the 11th and 12th of August, our Department together with the Department of Transport and Public Works manned an exhibition stand. Both Departments ensured an interactive exhibition and distributed information on how to register as service provider for Western Cape tenders. WCG representatives also provided information on training and skills development programmes offered to building contractors.
In order to support interested contractors with the necessary information, the Department made available a Tender Brochure to interested parties, which explained the key steps in the tender bidding process.
The stand proved to be very popular, with many people interested in working with our Department and wanting extra information on how to compete for tenders. The Department of Transport and Public Works also assisted with helping companies register on the Western Cape Supplier Database at the exhibition stand.
Our HOD Mr Thando Mguli spoke on behalf of the Department at the Cape Business News (CBN) Stakeholders Engagement Forum at the Expo. The topic discussed was the Western Cape open for business! Opportunities for construction and infrastructure, and what we are doing to ensure small contractors also get a bite of the pie.
Mr Mguli said 50% of the Human Settlements Development Grant (HSDG) for each year is now being spent on Small, Medium and Micro Enterprise (SMME) contractors with Historically Disadvantaged Individuals (HDIs) for human settlements development. This will give the smaller contractors an opportunity to establish themselves in the industry.
In addition, 30% of the HSDG funded projects will be allocated to SMMEs with women representation, and 30% to SMMEs with youth representation.”