The Western Cape Department of Transport and Public Works project to build a brand new office block at Karl Bremer Hospital in Cape Town and to go 110 % green has received two prestigious design awards.
The Green Building Council of South Africa (GBCSA) awarded the project a Green Five Star Office Design Certification. The GBCSA also awarded the project a Green Star in the Socio-Economic Pilot Category.
This was the first time the GBCSA awarded certification in this category.
The two awards underscore the Provincial Government and Department’s “Green is Smart” strategy. The aim of the strategy is growth of green investments through living and working environments, eco-systems, and agriculture. This growth should happen among others through energy and infrastructure.
The design of the building started on 12 August 2013. The construction started on 28 January 2015. Completion of the R113 million office block is expected 12 months after the start of construction.
The Head of the Western Cape Department of Transport and Public Works, Jacqui Gooch says the building fits in with the Western Cape Government’s 110% Green initiative that was on launched on World Environment Day 2012.
Ms Gooch said 110% Green calls for a paradigm shift to connect environmental preservation and economic growth. She said its aim is to be a catalyst to build a critical mass of activity that puts the Western Cape well on the road to becoming Africa’s Green Economic Hub.
“The Department of Transport and Public Works is 110% committed to ensure the properties that we build are in line with the 110% Green initiative. We aim to provide a platform that stimulates people and organisations to build an innovative and dynamic Green Economy and this project is an example of our commitment,” Ms Gooch said.
The Green Building Council South Africa leads the transformation of the South African property industry to ensure that buildings are designed, built and operated in an environmentally sustainable way.
It is one of over 95 members of the World Green Building Council alongside Australia, the United States and the United Kingdom. Green Building Council SA has developed the Green Star SA rating system and is the official certification body for Green Star SA projects.
Its mission is to promote, encourage and facilitate green building in the South African property and construction industry through market-based solutions.
The Socio-Economic category was judged on:
The Office Design Certification was based on:
The Office Design Certification was especially notable for the following innovations:
The other credits were mainly achieved through design excellence in:
Al-Ameen Kafaar
Head of Communications
Department of Transport and Public Works
Tel: 021 483 9653
Cell: 083 383 3317
You can follow the Department of Transport and Public Works on Twitter: @WCGovTPW