Simon's Town Museum is once again busy with exciting programmes for "Marine Month", which aims to give primary school learners interesting facts and information about marine animals in False Bay and also on the importance of caring for the environment and the effects of pollution on sea life.
Lt. Col. Bosilong and her team from the SA NAVY Holiday Group (Institute for Maritime Holiday Programme) gave learners the opportunity to visit the Simon's Town Museum during the October holidays. Learners were informed about the visitors to the bay every year (the whales), the importance of sharks and the role they play in balancing the sea ecosystem. They were also taught about the first pair of penguins that were spotted on Foxy Beach at Boulders in 1983.
Education officer Suzette Farmer from the Simon’s Town Museum introduced the marine animals to the learners and showed them how unique they are and the importance of their sustainable use. “Significant about this programme was the fact that these learners could receive a ‘hands on’ education. They were given the opportunity to feel the pelt of an African Penguin, see how dangerous the beak of the penguin is, and they could touch the eggs. The main focus, however, remained on how pollution can affect our marine environment and how we must care for our marine animals,” she said.
The learners were told about the effects of climate change on African Penguins and mostly what they can do at home and at school to reduce climate change. They were also told that Boulders remains the only place in the world where one can actually swim among the penguins. “These fascinating little birds are listed as endangered species and are facing the threat of extinction as a result of pollution, climate change and the dwindling fish stocks, among other reasons. Through this programme we gave some schools the opportunity to visit the penguin colony at Boulders and learn more about the environment and how to protect it.”
Our museums offer our youth the opportunity to learn about their environment. Communities should support their local museums. Let us continue to preserve and celebrate our history Better Together.
Tania Colyn
Head of Communication Service
Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport
Tel: 021 483 9877
E-mail: tania.colyn@westerncape.gov.za