Dr Hayden Poulter, a family physician at Knysna Hospital has been awarded the 2022 Tim Quan Medal as well as the GA Ogubanjo Award of Excellence by die Senate of the College of Medicine South Africa (CMSA) at the CMSA admissions ceremony on 16 March 2023.
Both medals are awarded to candidates who achieve outstanding results in the Fellowship examination of the College of Family Physicians of South Africa.
“As a Knysna team, we are very proud of Dr Hayden Poulter - the most recent graduate (in our hospital) as a Family Physician through the University of Stellenbosch.
In the 2022 College of Medicine exams, he was the top scoring graduate and was awarded the prestigious Tim Quan medal and GA Ogubanjo Award of Excellence for his efforts. It is an excellent achievement and a well-deserved reward for all his hard work, determination, and dedication to his studies. As a team, we can see the effects of the learning that has taken place over his 4-year speciality. He is a leader on ward rounds, an excellent teacher to juniors and extremely knowledgeable on many medical topics. Well done to Hayden!,” said Dr Lauren Hutton, family physician at Knysna Hospital.
Dr Poulter graduated in 2013 at the University of Cape Town and worked at the Pietermaritzburg Hospital for internship and at Knysna Hospital for community service. He also completed a diploma in HIV management through the CMSA in 2018 and then started the Family Medicine registrar programme through Stellenbosch University in 2018, at Knysna Hospital.
With such a busy work schedule he still makes time to relax, and for him there is no better way than with a line in the water trying for his next big catch.