A R487 million Department of Transport and Public Works (DTPW) project to upgrade 9 km of the N1 between Plattekloof Road and Old Oak Interchange is 38% complete.
Approximately 120 000 vehicles travel along this stretch of road during the morning inbound and afternoon outbound peaks. The addition of a third lane in both directions will significantly reduce traffic congestion on one of Cape Town’s busiest roads. This project is expected to have been completed in April 2019.
Work on installing the Freeway Management System (FMS) is complete. The first phase of median widening and barrier installation will be completed next month. Once this work has been completed, the widening of the road will commence.
Jip de Jager Interchange
Work on the Jip de Jager Interchange is 89% complete, with asphalt rehabilitation and paving, the construction of two traffic islands, and some other minor works currently under way.
Old Oak Interchange
The western portion of the Old Oak Bridge was demolished in May to make space for new lanes. It will be rebuilt over the next 14 months to new specifications. The construction of the inbound on-ramp bypass is complete and will facilitate traffic flow onto the N1 inbound. The construction of a retaining wall at the temporarily decommissioned inbound on-ramp is under way. Current traffic diversions will remain in place. Once the Old Oak inbound on-ramp has been widened and realigned, it will be re-commissioned for operation.
Plattekloof Interchange
The widening of the right hand side of the Plattekloof inbound off-ramp is under way. The left lane of the outbound on-ramp has been rehabilitated to address deformation and cracking. Once this work is complete, the entire interchange will be rehabilitated to extend the life of the pavement structure.
Durban Road Interchange
The widening of ramps at Durban Road Interchange has commenced. The contractor is constructing layerworks on the Durban Road outbound off-ramp, and is undertaking excavations for layerworks on the outbound on-ramp.
Employment and empowerment
This project is creating a number of short-term job and skills development opportunities. To date, R9,7 million has been spent on targeted labour while 12 500 person-days of work have been created for people from the City of Cape Town municipal area.
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Byron la Hoe
Communication Officer
Department of Transport and Public Works
Tel: 021 483 9813
Cell: 079 281 8570
Email: byron.lahoe@westerncape.gov.za