Fourty-six children were entered into the Baby Competition held by Blanco Clinic in partnership with the United Reformed Church in Blanco. The aim of the competition was to promote the health of children and to educate parents on the different topics. The criteria included the physical and mental growth of the child, their immunisation history, vitamin A and deworming, general appearance and the parents’ knowledge regarding child care. Winners from each category received prizes sponsored by Rotary, clinic staff and the church at an event held on Saturday 21 January 2017.
Every parent wants to see their child succeed in school and unlock opportunities for their future. Investing in their healthy development is crucial to achieving this. We appeal to the community to educate themselves about the health of their children. Information is available at your nearest clinic and staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the health of your child. The winners were as follows:
0–1 yrs: 1st CJ Afrika, 2nd Ashton-Lee Gorah, 3rd Sasha-Lee Davids
1–2 yrs: 1st Cayriaan Geland, 2nd Caleb Rylan, 3rd Lenay Krotz
2–3 yrs: 1st Caidey Boshoff, 2nd Gio-nay McGear,
3–4 yrs: 1st Shakeem Janelle Claassen, 2nd John-Ray Balie, 3rd Janeal Faku
Have you heard about our First 1 000 Days campaign?
For more information visit our website: https://www.westerncape.gov.za/first-1000-days/
Nadia Ferreira
Principal Communications Officer
Eden and Central Karoo Districts
Tel: 044 501 5751
Fax: 044 501 5719
Email: Nadia.Ferreira@westerncape.gov.za
Website: www.westerncape.gov.za