A total of 86 students from various Western Cape universities pursuing studies in the engineering and construction fields were awarded Masakh’iSizwe bursaries at a ceremony held at the University of Cape Town on 28 March 2015.
The Masakh’iSizwe Bursary Programme was established by the Department of Transport and Public Works in 2006 and forms part of the Western Cape Government’s commitment to skills development as an essential driving force of economic growth in the province. The programme has since grown from strength to strength, and continues to afford tertiary students the opportunity to pursue degrees or higher diplomas in the following disciplines:
Donald Grant, Minister of Transport and Public Works said the Masakh’iSizwe programme is more than a bursary scheme. It is a joint venture between the Department, private sector partners and three universities (University of Cape Town, Stellenbosch University and Cape Peninsula University of Technology).
“We will through partnership, ensure that our bursary holders are prepared in every way for leadership, skill and responsibilities that lie ahead of them," he said.
Jacqueline Gooch, Head of Department said the Masakh’iSizwe programme has close to 400 graduates that are now professionals in their fields.
“The support from our partners has been key to the success of the bursary scheme. They not only offer capital contributions to the bursary, but they also provide internships for bursary holders to continue their training. Some of our graduates have received placement within the Department, and others with different external stakeholders,” she said.
Lihle Nkohla (21), a third-year Civil Engineering student at Cape Peninsula University of Technology, says it’s an honour for him to receive a bursary.
“It’s a privilege, especially since I come from an impoverished background in Nyanga. The bursary brings much relief to my family, as financial constraints often place weight on our shoulders. I’m delighted because this bursary covers tuition fees, all prescribed books and material and accommodation and even transport costs,” he said.
Through the Masakh’iSizwe programme, the Department and its partners look forward to the contribution that current and future graduates will make to the built environment, and ultimately to the economy of the Western Cape and South Africa as a whole.
Byron la Hoe
Communication Officer
Department of Transport and Public Works
Tel: 021 483 9813
E-mail: Byron.laHoe@westerncape.gov.za
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