On Monday, 27 November, Western Cape Health Minister, Dr Nomafrench Mbombo conducted a safety walk in the streets of Khayelitsha. The aim of this safety walk was to launch the 16 Days of Activism – No violence against women and children campaign.
The walk began from Town Two to Site C. Minister Mbombo was joined by Ministers Donald Grant of Transport and Public Works and Dan Plato of Community Safety.
This walk showcased the many interventions we are piloting under our Alcohol Harms Reduction Game Changer including Safe Spaces initiatives. The Western Cape Government has prioritized Alcohol Harms Reduction as a Game Changer, which we are rolling out in three areas: Khayelitsha Town 2, Gunya and Paarl East.
The Province is working with the City of Cape Town, the Western Cape Liquor Authority and the South African Police Service to make Town 2 safer. Our goal is to Increase the number of licensed taverns, while fining and closing down unlicensed shebeens to increase overall safety in the community.
“We are offering alternative recreational activities and treatment services to alcohol abusers. This will assist them to lead an alcohol-free lifestyle by getting involved in the activities that we have introduced in these communities,” said Minister Mbombo.
Recreational activities introduced in Town Two over the festive season include:
We have also introduced safety interventions to keep the Town two area safe. We have installed security cameras which are linked to the City of Cape Town’s control room. This will assist in catching any perpetrators that may be involved in illegal activities. There are also 12 law enforcement officers that will be dedicated to patrolling the area.
Various engagements were held with the community to discuss what solutions they want to see in Town two. As part of this community-owned solution process, 16 Alcohol Harms Reduction advocates have been selected by the community who will serve as champions of the game changer programme.
“These solutions would not be possible without the help of the community. As I always say - nothing about the community without the community,” added Mbombo.
Research has shown that alcohol is a major contributing factor to the high number of interpersonal violence incidents, and towards the abuse of women and children.
Zimkhitha Mquteni
Spokesperson to Western Cape Health Minister
Tel: 021 483 5862
Cell: 078 053 4451
Email: Zimkitha.Mquteni@westerncape.gov.za