Today, 14 May 2018, Minister Anroux Marais officially launched two skateboard parks for youth in Atlantis as part of the After School Game Changer Programme.
Through this Game Changer, the Western Government is working to ensure that every learner from a no and low fee school across the province has access to quality after school programmes.
Based on substantial evidence, the WCG believes that regular participation in after school programmes will improve learner outcomes, reduce school dropout rates and reduce risk-taking behaviour.
The Game Changer has partnered with the City of Cape Town and Indigo Youth Movement to present these two skateparks, one at Reygersdal Primary School and one at Saxonsea Secondary. This will offer children an opportunity to participate in this activity as part of the programme to keep learners safely occupied after school hours.
Skateboarding isn’t just a fun activity. Constant practice can provide a great cardio workout. It can also reduce stress and fatigue levels, which will help young people succeed in other areas of their lives.
At the official launch at Reygersdal Primary School, Minister Marais said, “As is in many communities across the province, learners in Atlantis, Mamre and Pella face many of the same challenges which draw them further from achieving their full potential. These may include the pull to drop out of school, prolonged exposure to gang violence or the other effects of risky behaviour and the unconstructive choices available to so many of our youth from under-resourced areas. For these reasons, the Western Cape Government and City of Cape Town came together to make the Atlantis community a shared priority, working together to provide a network of after school programme support across the four activity pillars between the 16 schools, 4 recreation hubs, three libraries and various NGOs offering programmes. These communities will now benefit from game changing after school infrastructure placed at various sites”.
In order for this movement to gain traction, we urge all schools to entrench their position as the centre of their communities, to keep their doors open late into the afternoon, and to work with a range of partners to offer our learners the much needed safe and caring space to engage their passions, ignite their imaginations and envision their life opportunities better.
Minister Marais' speech is available online.
Stacy McLean
Spokesperson for Minister Anroux Marais
Email: Stacy.McLean@westerncape.gov.za
Tel: 021 483 4426
Cell: 083 504 117