Today, the Provincial Minister of Infrastructure, Tertuis Simmers handed over keys to the homes of 50 beneficiaries of the Melkhoutfontein project in the Hessequa municipal area, close to Stillbaai, Western Cape.
Minister Tertuis Simmers was delighted to be in Melkhouthontein to share this joyous occasion with beneficiaries and their families. “For many of our residents, they’ve waited many years for this day. After 15 months of construction, I am delighted that the project is able to provide the much needed homes to the first 50 and elderly beneficiaries. Today Melkhoutfontein residents became homeowners for the first time in their lives. This early festive season gift is another way our government is restoring the dignity of our people, whilst igniting hope for future generations.”
Overcome with emotion, Mr David Baartman (86), could not contain his excitement and wholeheartedly thanked the Minister and Western Cape government for this opportunity. Mr Baartman said: “ Today, a big weight has been lifted off my shoulders as I have been patiently waiting for years to receive my own home. I knew, at the right time, I will get it. I had faith as I knew God will make this day possible, one day.”
Ms Daisy Saayman (85) has been on the housing waiting list for more than 20 years. She said: “ Today my dream of living in my own home has become a reality. What I am feeling today is unexplainable, I am very grateful to the Minister and his Department for my home.”
The R135 million project is one of the 7 Ministerial projects and is set to yield 590 housing opportunities on completion. Construction at this project commenced 15 months ago and is now delivering the first batch of homes to qualifying beneficiaries.
The Western Cape Government continues to restore the hope and dignity of its citizens, through developing safe and cohesive social infrastructure to deserving and qualifying beneficiaries.
Graig-Lee Smith
Spokesperson for Minister Tertuis Simmers
Tel: 021 483 5224
Mobile: 066 396 8382
Email: Graig-Lee.Smith@westerncape.gov.za
Nathan Adriaanse
Director Communication & Stakeholder Relations
Tell: 021 483 2868
Mobile: 083 263 1720
Email: Nathan.Adriaanse@westerncape.gov.za