Statement by Donald Grant, Minister of Transport and Public Works
This morning (7 August 2015), Donald Grant, Minister of Transport and Public Works presided over the opening of the recently upgraded Merweville Road in the Central Karoo. The three phase construction and upgrading of the access road to Merweville from the N1 has been over 6 years in the making, with phase 1 having commenced in January 2009.
Minister Grant was joined by the Executive Mayors of both the Central Karoo District Municipality (Councillor EZ Njadu), and the Beaufort West Municipality (Alderman Truman Prince), at this morning’s opening.
“The first two phases of the project, undertaken by the Western Cape Department of Transport and Public Works, cost R43 million. Over 20% of the spend was on BEE subcontractors, a further 6.5% on BEE suppliers, and another 15% on local labour. The scope of the work has covered close to 5 km, and has included the initial construction of the road and the subsequent upgrading of the road from gravel to a surfaced road. The third phase was implemented by the Karoo District Municipality, in partnership with the Department of Transport and Public Works,” said Minister Grant.
Phase one consisted of:
Phase two (upgrading from gravel to surfaced road) consisted of:
One directional bypasses were also constructed on either side of the road to accommodate traffic.
“The Department of Transport and Public Works remains committed to our vision to lead in the delivery of government infrastructure and related services. Our mission will continue to be to deliver infrastructure and services that promote socio-economic outcomes and safe, empowered, and connected communities.
Creating opportunities for growth and jobs, as is our commitment under Provincial Strategic Goal 1 (PSG 1), remains a focus of not only this department, but that of the Western Cape Government.
We will continue to do our part to plan, construct, rehabilitate and maintain the provincial road network, as a valued and strategic asset of this government. Our R2.77 billion budgetary allocation for road construction and maintenance in this financial year alone, 2015/2016, is testament to how much value we place on this crucial asset. Our roads are an asset with an approximate value of R68 billion, gradually taking strain with continued consumption.
“With the road now complete, I wish all the users of this improved stretch of our road network a smooth and pleasant commute. May it build the economy, catalyse growth in this region, and improve safety,” added Minister Grant.
Siphesihle Dube
Spokesperson for Minister of Transport and Public Works, Donald Grant
Tel: 021 483 8954
Cell: 084 233 3811
E-mail: siphesihle.dube@westerncape.gov.za