Today, Tuesday 16 November 2021, the Western Cape Minister for Social Development, Sharna Fernandez, donated two newly adapted Nissan NV350 2.5L Minibus vehicles to assist children with disabilities to the Nomaxabiso Centre for Children with Special Needs and Inclusive Education based in Philippi and the Beaufort West APD: Masixole Day Care Centre.
The Western Cape Department of Social Development (DSD) recognizes that the lack of accessible transportation is a barrier to special care centres for children with disabilities— children who are already far less likely to attend school. While children face challenges with getting to school, including extended distances, safety issues, and others, these are often compounded for children with disabilities.
Whilst handing over the keys to the beneficiaries of the two new vehicles, Minister Fernandez said, “Today’s handover of the two newly adapted Nissan Minibus Vehicles is the first step, but it certainly is a step in the right direction. We are aware that these adapted vehicles will add value to the communities they will be serving.
We recognise that we have a role to play in ensuring that children with high support needs are safe and secure when being transported.”
Minister Fernandez added, “The two vehicles we are handing over today are the first two of four vehicles that we will be handing over to the disability sector over the next 12 months.”
In 2018, the DSD responded to the advocacy and lobbying by the respondents to pilot a transport system for children with high support needs (children with severe to profound intellectual disability and other physical disabilities). Following the meeting on 19 November 2018, the Accounting Officers for the Departments of Social Development and Transport & Public Works with the Director-General for the Province agreed to start a pilot project for access to transport for a specific group of children at Special Care Centres.
The two Nissan NV 350 2.5 Minibus, WHI LS vehicles, were purchased, and conversions were done to the value of R875 452.12
The intended beneficiaries (Special Care Centres) of the vehicles were identified and nominated through a fair and transparent adjudication process which included the following:
• a call for proposal to special care centres across the province, stating the qualifying requirements to be met by applicants;
• presentation done to Special Care Centres Principals’ Meeting, a consulting forum for special care centres;
• appraisal process of all applications received based on set criteria
• presentation of recommendations to the Right to Education Working Committee comprised of representatives.
The DSD monitoring processes will be instituted to ensure that the vehicles are utilised for the intended purposes.
“We remain committed to working ‘For You’, to co-create an environment that promotes the rights and dignity of all citizens,” concluded Minister Fernandez.
Any persons interested in finding out more information about the services we offer for children with disabilities can make contact with the Department by calling, 0800 220 250, to be directed to your nearest local DSD office, or by emailing SD.CustomerCare@westerncape.gov.za.
Joshua Covenant Chigome
Spokesperson for the Minister of Social Development, Minister Sharna Fernandez