Today, the Minister of Community Safety, Albert Fritz, attended the launch of the Western Cape SAPS’ Safer Festive Season Campaign at the SAPS training academy in Philippi. Minister Fritz has welcomed the launch and calls on each individual in the province to play in their part in ensuring the safety of themselves and others over the festive break.
Minister Fritz said, “I note that SAPS' festive plan was launched at 10pm last night and has already yielded results. As the Western Cape Government, we welcome the launch of the campaign as it aims to keep every citizen of the province safe. My Department will equally play its part by capacitating Neighbourhood Watches, Community Policing Forums and related initiatives. At the same time, I call on each and every individual to ensure their own safety, and those in their care, over the festive break to make it a truly enjoyable time for all.”
Minister Fritz added, “One the most significant initiatives hosted by the Department of Community Safety to ensure safety over the festive season is the youth and safety religious programme, which is currently in its 8th year of implementation. The YSRP works with over 141 faith based organisations and keeps young people off the street and out of harm’s way over the festive break.”
Under the leadership of Minister Fritz, the Department of Community Safety remains committed to using every tool at its disposal to safeguard the Western Cape.
Attention broadcasters, please find English audio clip attached.
Spokesperson for Minister Albert Fritz
Tel: 021 483 8550
Cell: 064 121 7959
Email: Cayla.murray@westerncape.gov.za