Western Cape Minister of Police Oversight and Community Safety Anroux Marais has welcomed the arrest of seven suspects on extortion charges, while expressing grave concerns that all seven are currently serving in the South African Police Service.
The seven suspects, who are all attached to the Public Order Policing Unit were arrested on Sunday in Milnerton, will appear in court on Wednesday, 9 October.
Minister Marais said, “I commend the investigators for apprehending the suspects, and for not hesitating to act against their own colleagues. At the same time, I take a dim view of growing indications of brazen police complicity in crime. If these allegations are prover true in a court of law, they must be dealt with accordingly. Such actions, if proven, cannot stand. The Western Cape Government supports the work done by the SAPS to rid our society of crime.”
Jan-Jan Joubert, MLO to Minister Marais
Cell: 083 303 9238
Email: Jan.Joubert@westerncape.gov.za