The 2023 matric exams begin tomorrow, which will be the culmination of the hard work our matrics and their teachers have put in to prepare for the exams.
To our matric #ClassOf2023,
We wish you the very best for the matric exams!
You have really put in the extra hours this year, and we are so proud of the effort you have made to invest in your own future.
We know that this will be a very stressful time for you, but remember that this is the last stretch, so keep your head down, work hard, and above all, do your very best.
We are here for you, we will support you, and we can’t wait to celebrate with you when the results are released next year.
To our matric teachers,
Thank you for the outstanding work you have done this year, and for the support, care, and love that you show to our children every day. You have quite literally shaped their future, and done so with the dedication and teaching excellence for which our province is renowned.
We wish you the very best for the weeks ahead, and look forward to celebrating some great results next year with you too!
Aan ons matriekklas van 2023,
Ons wens julle alles van die beste toe vir die matriekeksamen!
Julle het regtig hierdie jaar lang ure ingesit en ons is so trots op jul harde werk, wat ’n belegging in jul toekoms is.
Ons weet dit gaan ’n uiters stresvolle tyd vir julle wees, maar onthou dat julle in die pylvak is. Sit skouer aan die wiel, werk hard en doen bowenal jul uiterste bes.
Ons is hier vir julle. Ons sal julle ondersteun en ons kan nie wag om jul uitslae saam met julle te vier wanneer dit vroeg volgende jaar vrygestel word nie.
Aan ons matriekonderwysers,
Dankie vir julle uitmuntende werk hierdie jaar, en vir die ondersteuning, sorg en liefde wat julle elke dag vir ons kinders gee. Julle het ons kinders se toekoms help vorm en dit met die toewyding en uitnemende onderrig gedoen waarvoor ons provinsie bekend is.
Ons wens julle alles van die beste toe vir die komende weke en sien uit daarna om vroeg volgende jaar uitstekende uitslae saam met julle te vier!
Kwiklasi yethu yematriki #ClassOf2023
Sininqwenelela okuhle kodwa kwiimviwo zematriki!
Ngokwenene nisebenzise iiyure ezingaphezulu kulo nyaka, yaye siyazingca ngemigudu eniyenzileyo ukuzilungiselela nisenzela ikamva lenu.
Siyazi ukuba eli iya kuba lixesha elibangela uxinzelelo kuni kodwa khumbulani ukuba lo ngumgama wokugqibela ukuya entanjeni, ngoko ke zikisani iingqondo zenu, nisebenze nzima, nize ngaphezu koko, nize neziphumo ezigqwesileyo.
Silapha ukuze sinincede, siya kuninika inkxaso, yaye sikungxamele ukubhiyoza kunye nani xa kupapashwa iziphumo ekuqaleni konyaka ozayo.
Kootitshala bethu bematriki
Siyanibulela ngomsebenzi ophum’ izandla eniwenzileyo kulo nyaka, nangenkxaso, inkathalo nothando enilubonisileyo kubantwana bethu yonke imihla. Nilibumbile ikamva labo yaye nikwenze oko ngokuzinikela nangokubafundisa ukugqwesa, into iphondo lethu elidume ngayo.
Sininqwenelela impumelelo kwezi veki zizayo yaye sijonge ngethemba ukuba sizibhiyozele kunye nani iziphumo ezigqwesileyo ekuqaleni konyaka ozayo!
Kerry Mauchline
Spokesperson to Minister David Maynier
Western Cape Ministry of Education