Western Cape Minister of Finance, Dr Ivan Meyer yesterday announced the appointment of Aziz Hardien as Deputy Director-General: Governance and Asset Management in the Western Cape Provincial Treasury where he will lead the team responsible for accounting, supply chain management, governance, asset management and the implementation of what is arguably the most significant financial reform of the past decade, viz. the Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS).
Hardien who is originally from Mitchells Plain attended Woodlands Secondary and later South Peninsula Secondary Schools. Thereafter he obtained a B Com Accounting degree from the University of the Western Cape followed by an Honours degree from UNISA. After completing his articles with a major accounting firm, he qualified as a chartered accountant and then went onto work for the Auditor General of South Africa.
Speaking about his appointment Hardien commented that public servants can create public value when “we approach our work with passion and are committed to providing practical solutions that are relevant and responsive to our ever changing environment. My appointment provides me with the perfect opportunity be part of the leadership of a treasury team committed to making a real difference in society” he said.
According to Meyer, Hardien’ s appointment not only strengthens the Western Cape government’s resolve to improve financial oversight and control within the public sector, but also underlines its commitment to appointing capable staff. “I believe that with his experience and technical knowledge Mr Hardien will certainly contribute to strengthening and infusing the principles of good governance in the Western Cape” said Meyer.
Daniel Johnson
Media Liaison Officer/Spokesperson to Dr Ivan Meyer Minister of Finance
Cell: 079 990 4231
E-mail: daniel.johnson@westerncape.gov.za