Finance Minister Ivan Meyer represented the Western Cape Government at the renaming session of Table Bay Boulevard to FW de Klerk Boulevard and congratulated the former president.
Former president FW de Klerk on 5 February hailed the renaming of the Cape Town road in his honour as a tribute to all those who helped form South Africa's constitutional democracy. "I would like to thank you all for the great honour that you have bestowed upon me by deciding to rename Table Bay Boulevard in my honour," he said in a speech prepared for delivery at the renaming ceremony.
The process of renaming the road was supported by prominent Capetonians, including Western Cape Premier Helen Zille and Anglican Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu.
Commenting on the renaming Minister Meyer said that it was a befitting gesture to honour former President de Klerk in this manner.
“Former President de Klerk chose a path that set South Africa on a new trajectory and his continued contribution to the building of an inclusive South Africa must be acknowledged and appreciated “said the minister.
De Klerk, 79, was president from September 1989 to May 1994. He was last head of state of South Africa under the apartheid era. In 1993, he won the Nobel Peace Prize along with struggle icon Nelson Mandela for their role in ending apartheid.
Daniel Johnson
Media Liaison Officer/Spokesperson to Dr Ivan Meyer Minister of Finance
Cell: 079 990 4231
E-mail: daniel.johnson@westerncape.gov.za