Today, the Western Cape Minister of Human Settlements, Tertuis Simmers conducted a visit to the Golden Valley Housing project in George to ascertain the readiness of the houses, so that they can swiftly be handed over to deserving and qualifying beneficiaries.
To date, 10 units have been completed and 3 beneficiaries have moved in, with a further 7 beneficiaries moving into their houses soon.
Minister Simmers said: “It was pleasing to engage the beneficiaries that have already taken occupancy of their homes. Hearing how happy they are about the tangible difference that’s been made to their lives brings me great joy. This is why we serve our people, to ensure that their lives are drastically improved.
I’m also pleased with the progress that is being made on this project, particularly since it experienced delays. Amongst others, a new contractor had to appointed, due to poor performances previously. The COVID-19 pandemic also played a role. I am however looking forward to returning to the area in due course, so that I have the opportunity to personally hand houses over to our beneficiaries.”
This project which commenced in 2019 has a budget allocation of over R 28,4 million and it is estimated to yield 133 housing opportunities by the end of November 2021.
“I call on the George Municipality to continue working with speed, so that the units that have already been completed are connected to the electricity grid. This will ensure that more people who are currently waiting for their opportunity, will be afforded the chance to also move into their brand-new homes.
As the Western Cape Government, we remain committed to accelerating human settlement delivery, while promoting social inclusion through the development of integrated, resilient, safe and sustainable human settlements in an open opportunity society,” added Simmers.
Marcellino Martin
Spokesperson for Minister Tertuis Simmers
Tel: 021 483 3397
Mobile: 082 721 3362
Email: Marcellino.martin@westerncape.gov.za
Nathan Adriaanse
Director Communication & Stakeholder Relations
Tell: 021 483 2868
Mobile: 083 2631720
Email: Nathan.Adriaanse@westerncape.gov.za